how does hair regrow

Key Takeaways: How does Hair Regrow?

Key TakeawayDetails
Hair Growth CycleHair growth occurs in three phases: Anagen (growth), Catagen (transition), and Telogen (resting).
Factors Affecting Hair GrowthGenetics, hormones, age, nutrition, stress, medical conditions, hairstyles, and hair treatments can impact hair growth.
Dietary RecommendationsEat foods rich in protein, iron, vitamin D, biotin, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids to promote hair health. Good sources include eggs, spinach, lentils, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.
Hair Care TipsGentle handling, regular washing with mild shampoo, conditioning, oil massages, and avoiding heat/chemicals can prevent hair damage.
Medical TreatmentsMinoxidil, finasteride, platelet-rich plasma therapy, and hair transplants are medical options for significant hair loss.
Natural RemediesIndian gooseberry (amla), fenugreek seeds, aloe vera, and coconut oil are popular natural remedies in India.
Lifestyle FactorsSmoking, stress, and exposure to heavy metals can contribute to hair loss. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important.
Scalp ConditionsDandruff, ringworm, alopecia areata, and other scalp conditions can lead to inflammation and hair loss but are often treatable.


Hair regrowth is a topic of significant interest, especially in a country like India where hair is often considered a symbol of beauty and health. Understanding the science behind hair regrowth can help individuals make informed decisions about their hair care routines and treatments.

This blog post will delve into the process of hair regrowth, factors affecting it, and effective strategies to promote healthy hair growth in the Indian context.

Understanding Hair Growth

Hair growth occurs in a cycle with three main phases:

  1. Anagen (Growth Phase): This is the active phase where hair grows continuously. It can last from 2 to 7 years.
  2. Catagen (Transitional Phase): This short phase lasts about 2-3 weeks, where hair growth slows, and the hair follicle shrinks.
  3. Telogen (Resting Phase): Lasting about 3 months, this phase is when hair growth stops, and old hair falls out, making way for new hair.

Factors Affecting Hair Regrowth

Several factors can influence hair regrowth, including:

  • Genetics: Hereditary factors play a significant role in determining hair growth patterns and potential hair loss.
  • Hormones: Hormonal changes, such as those during pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid imbalances, can affect hair growth.
  • Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is crucial for healthy hair. Deficiencies in nutrients like iron, vitamin D, and biotin can lead to hair loss.
  • Stress: High stress levels can trigger hair loss conditions like telogen effluvium.
  • Medical Conditions: Conditions such as alopecia areata, scalp infections, and chronic illnesses can impact hair growth.
  • Hair Care Practices: Excessive use of heat styling tools, chemical treatments, and tight hairstyles can damage hair and hinder regrowth.

Promoting Hair Regrowth in India

Dietary Recommendations

A nutritious diet is essential for hair health. Here are some key nutrients and their sources:

NutrientRole in Hair HealthIndian Food Sources
ProteinBuilds hair structureLentils, chickpeas, eggs, dairy products
IronSupports oxygen supply to hair rootsSpinach, beans, tofu, red meat
Vitamin DPromotes follicle healthFortified foods, sunlight exposure, fish
BiotinStrengthens hairNuts, seeds, sweet potatoes, eggs
Omega-3 Fatty AcidsNourishes hair folliclesFlaxseeds, walnuts, fish oil

Hair Care Tips

  • Gentle Handling: Avoid excessive brushing and use a wide-toothed comb to prevent breakage.
  • Regular Washing: Use a mild shampoo suitable for your hair type to keep the scalp clean and healthy.
  • Conditioning: Apply conditioner to the ends of your hair to keep it moisturized and reduce split ends.
  • Oil Massages: Regular scalp massages with oils like coconut, almond, or castor oil can improve blood circulation and promote hair growth.
  • Avoid Heat and Chemicals: Limit the use of heat styling tools and chemical treatments to prevent hair damage.

Medical Treatments

For those experiencing significant hair loss, medical treatments may be necessary:

  • Minoxidil: A topical solution that can stimulate hair growth and slow down hair loss.
  • Finasteride: An oral medication that can help reduce hair loss in men.
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: Involves injecting platelets from your blood into the scalp to stimulate hair growth.
  • Hair Transplant Surgery: A surgical option for those with severe hair loss, where hair follicles are transplanted from one part of the scalp to another.

Natural Remedies

Many people in India prefer natural remedies for hair care. Some popular options include:

  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Rich in vitamin C, it can strengthen hair and promote growth.
  • Fenugreek Seeds: Soaked and ground into a paste, they can be applied to the scalp to reduce hair fall.
  • Aloe Vera: Known for its soothing properties, it can help maintain scalp health and promote hair growth.


Hair regrowth is a complex process influenced by various factors, including genetics, nutrition, and hair care practices. By understanding these factors and adopting a holistic approach to hair care with, individuals in India can promote healthy hair growth and reduce hair loss. Whether through dietary changes, gentle hair care routines, or medical treatments, there are numerous ways to support hair regrowth and maintain luscious, healthy hair.

Expert Opinion

1. Dr. Chintan Bhavsar, Dr. Kiran Chotaliya, and Dr. Shreedevi Lakhe – Hairfree & Hairgrow Clinic

Expertise: These surgeons have a combined experience of over 45 years in trichology and dermatology. They offer both Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) techniques.
Opinion: They emphasize the importance of using the latest technology and techniques in hair transplantation to ensure high success rates and patient satisfaction. They also offer a satisfaction guarantee, highlighting their confidence in delivering excellent results.

2. Dr. Sunil Arora – ALCS Clinic, Jaipur

Expertise: Dr. Sunil Arora is a well-known expert in hair transplantation with decades of experience. He specializes in both FUT and FUE techniques and has a high success rate.
Opinion: Dr. Arora stresses the importance of choosing the right technique based on individual needs and the condition of the donor area. He believes that FUT can be more effective for certain patients due to its ability to produce fine quality grafts and fully utilize the donor area.

3. Dr. Prabdeep Sohi – Reviva Clinic, Chandigarh

Expertise: Dr. Prabdeep Sohi is renowned for his expertise in FUE hair transplant techniques and has over 10,000 satisfied clients globally.
Opinion: Dr. Sohi advocates for the use of advanced FUE techniques to minimize trauma and scarring, ensuring a more natural appearance and quicker recovery. He emphasizes the importance of realistic expectations and thorough pre-surgical consultations.

4. Dr. Harikiran Chekuri – Redefine Hair Transplant & Plastic Surgery Center, Hyderabad

Expertise: Dr. Harikiran Chekuri is an internationally recognized plastic and hair transplant surgeon with over 19 years of experience.
Opinion: Dr. Chekuri highlights the significance of personalized care and staying updated with the latest advancements in hair transplant techniques. He believes in providing customized treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each patient, ensuring high success rates and patient satisfaction.

5. Dr. Tejinder Bhatti – Darling Buds Clinic, Chandigarh

Expertise: Dr. Tejinder Bhatti is a prominent figure in the field of hair transplantation, known for his conservative yet effective approach.
Opinion: Dr. Bhatti emphasizes the importance of a thorough evaluation of the donor area and realistic patient expectations. He believes in a conservative approach to ensure the longevity of the donor area and the natural appearance of the transplanted hair.

FAQs: How does Hair Regrow?

1. Will the transplanted hair look natural?Yes, when performed by an experienced surgeon, the transplanted hair will look completely natural and blend seamlessly with your existing hair. Modern techniques like follicular unit extraction (FUE) allow precise placement of individual follicular units for a natural appearance.
2. How long do the results of a hair transplant last?The transplanted hair follicles are resistant to the hormone DHT that causes male pattern baldness. As long as you maintain a healthy scalp, the transplanted hair will continue growing permanently.
3. Is the procedure painful?Local anesthesia is used during the procedure, so you will feel little to no pain. Some minor discomfort, swelling or numbness may occur after, but this is manageable with medication.
4. How soon can I return to normal activities?Most patients can return to work and normal activities within a few days after the procedure. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for 1-2 weeks.
5. Will I have a linear scar after surgery?With the FUE technique, there is no linear scar as grafts are extracted individually. The small dots from graft harvesting blend into the surrounding hair.
6. What is the success rate?Hair transplants have a high success rate of 90-95% when performed by an experienced surgeon using modern techniques. Proper care post-op is also important.
7. Am I too young/old for a transplant?Age is not a strict limiting factor, but surgeons prefer patients over 25 when hair loss patterns stabilize. Older patients can still benefit if in good health.
8. How much does it cost?Costs in India can range from ₹50,000 to over ₹3 lakhs depending on the extent of the transplant, technique used, surgeon’s experience and location.
9. Will I go completely bald later?Hair transplants only restore hair – they don’t stop future hair loss. Medication like finasteride can help maintain existing hair alongside the transplant.
10. Are there any major risks?Major complications are very rare when the procedure is done by a qualified surgeon. Risks include infection, excessive bleeding, wide scarring and nerve damage.

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